Brigham Dickinson’s “Something to Give” takes home service business owners on a journey to become a leader worth following
SOUTH JORDAN, Utah, July 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Brigham Dickinson, president and founder of Power Selling Pros, announced today that his third book, “Something to Give: A Journey to Become a Leader Worth Following,” is now available for preorder on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online book outlets.
The release date is scheduled for Sept. 19, and digital versions of the book will be available immediately on that date. Print versions will also ship on Sept. 19.
“In order to run a successful home services company, you have to become a good, purposeful leader your employees can count on,” Dickinson said. “The true purpose of a leader is to have something to give your followers. Understanding and becoming that leader by following a pattern that supports your purpose makes you a leader worth following. This book serves to help take business owners on that journey.”
Dickinson said that as an owner of the highly successful companies Power Selling Pros, Athlecare and Booked, his experience puts him in the unique position to offer advice to other home service business owners who might be struggling or who need that extra knowledge to help them achieve their next level of success.
“To be a purposeful leader, you have to shift your perspective and formulate new habits,” Dickinson said. “It must become a genuine belief system. In order for your team to believe in you, you have to live the change you want to see in them.”
The book takes readers through the eight “Ps” of leadership: Purpose, Pattern, Principles, Performance, Preparation, Persistence, Patience and Perfect. It provides a blueprint for home service business owners to move from proving they have what it takes to start and run a business into a position of ongoing leadership that their team will follow.
Dickinson started Power Selling Pros in 2009 after the owner of a home service company threatened to fire him from his lead-generation management position because the owner felt the leads weren’t of value. Dickinson, convinced his leads were good, offered to coach the company’s customer service representatives (CSRs) for free to show the owner that training his call handling team would turn Dickinson’s leads into bookings.
The training worked and today, Power Selling Pros is a leader in customer service and call handler training throughout the United States, Canada and Australia.
After incorporating the principles he developed for the CSRs his company trains into his own life, Dickinson wrote the book, “Pattern for Excellence: Engage Your Team to Wow More Customers” in 2017. He followed that up with “Patterned After Excellence: Pursuing Truth in Work and Life” in 2019.
“With this new book, I want to show home service business owners how to build relationships with their employees and their customers that becomes a win-win for everyone involved,” he said. “This book gives owners a step-by-step process to get their businesses running on their own. It provides them with a blueprint that allows owners to achieve the freedom they’ve always wanted while still providing a positive service for their employees and clients. I’m fighting to maintain the integrity of the home service business.”
For more information or to order “Something to Give,” please visit
To learn more about Power Selling Pros, visit
About Brigham Dickinson
Brigham Dickinson is president of Power Selling Pros and founder of the Power Certification Program, a call-handling training program that holds teams accountable to booking calls and creating Wow! experiences over the phone. Brigham started Power Selling Pros in 2009 when he saw that call handlers needed assistance to consistently convert calls to bookings. As a result, Dickinson answered the need and created the Power Certification Program to effect change in his industry’s call centers in the United States, Canada, and Australia. The purpose of the Power Certification Program is to partner with contractors and certify their CSRs to deliver a world-class customer experience. The program guarantees that contractor call-handling teams will book at least 85 percent of their calls and wow more customers.
Dickinson’s company holds teams accountable with a combination of online training, call monitoring, regular one-on-one phone-based coaching, and in-person training—all supported by a vast library of prerecorded calls that showcase best practices.
Heather Ripley
Ripley PR
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